Mission Statement
Marengo Elementary School will commit to support self-directed, life-long learners as they grow into resourceful and productive citizens. We will provide a safe, creative environment with respect for students of diverse backgrounds and learning styles. We will encourage risk taking and the use of higher level thinking skills to increase academic achievement.
In order to fulfill this commitment, the staff will work as a team to provide student-centered learning using developmentally appropriate curriculum and instructional strategies. We will provide a rigorous, standards-based curriculum, which will integrate language arts/reading, math, social studies, science, the arts, and physical education. We will use a broad range of assessments to measure and ensure the growth of all students. We will provide time for professional development and reflection to aid staff in continuing to provide a quality educational program. We recognize the important role families and community play in the education of our students and therefore we will continue to promote a positive home/school connection.