Principal's Message
Dear Marengo Community,
Thank you all for giving me such a warm welcome! It has been an inspiring beginning, and I am continually impressed with the dedication and depth of commitment on the part of staff and parents. It is an honor to have been chosen as your principal, and I look forward to getting to know all of you over the coming months. In this first ‘Letter from the Principal’, I’d like to share my philosophy and my vision for the coming year.
As an educational leader, my charge is to develop and sustain a vibrant learning community, which both nurtures and challenges our young learners. I am equally devoted to the development of character and cognitive capacity, as both are essential for success.
In order to create such a community, I am committed to establishing effective systems of communication, leadership and decision-making for students, staff, and parents. With public schools as a cornerstone of a democratic society, these systems provide the Marengo community with a voice and a venue for effectively addressing mutual concerns and achieving mutually shared objectives. Establishing and nurturing a respectful and supportive environment while maintaining high standards and expectations is a high priority for me as Marengo’s principal.
I work hard at “practicing what I preach”: I listen carefully, demonstrate respect, and accompany high expectations with support and resources to get the job done. I look forward to working with teachers to map our professional development and instructional objectives, and will spend two full days each week observing student learning in the classrooms. In the office and throughout the school grounds, I will work with our support staff to provide efficient service to the public and a safe and clean school. In working with the PTA and the Site Council, I will harness the incredible contributions of our parents in supporting our common purpose and the reason we are all here – our wonderful Marengo students!
Thanks to the PTA, we have already had some terrific events, including Kindergarten Playdate and the Welcome to New Families. I hope to get to know all members of our Marengo Community. If you would like an appointment with the principal, please allow us time to get school ‘up and running’; after September 6, appointments can be made by calling our office and speaking with Linda Holmes. I look forward to an exciting year of learning!
Betsy Hamilton